V alentine's D ay H istory I n 1929 Valentine's Day is the day to celebrate love. But if we move back to 1929, we find the horrific incident of St Valentines day massacre. The St Valentine's Day massacre is the name given to the shooting of seven people as part of a Prohibition Era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago, Illinois, One gang was called the South Side Italian gang led by Al 'Scarface' Capone and the other was the North Side Irish/German gang led by George 'Bugs' Moran. Dead bodies of seven well-dressed men were found in evening of February 14, 1929 inside the S.M.C. Cartage Co. garage in North Chicago. Those men were riddled with bullets and according to the the police they were shot when they faced the wall with their back towards their executioner. Except for Dr. RH. Schwimmer, all the other killed men were mobsters and belonged to the group of Bugs Moran. Capone wanted to eliminate his main rival Bugs and so he schemed a ...
Struggling to say just the right thing to your spouse on Valentines Day? Try one of the following clever and sentimental Valentine verses and poems. Use more than one--if you think your relationship can take it.